The Numbers Four and Five and the Passover
The scope of the God-given, sacred Calculated Hebrew Calendar (CHC) goes well beyond its primary purpose of accurately determining the weekly and monthly cycles and the annual “appointed times” or festivals. Not only can it be used to calculate forward into the future to know exactly when the festivals of God are to be kept, it can also be used to calculate backwards in time with pinpoint accuracy (to at least the 800s BC) to determine any appointed time of the past. Furthermore, because the CHC was designed by God and is registered in the heavens themselves, there are multitudes of unique “numeric patterns” that find their origins only in the sacred calendar. We will examine those that pertain to the Passover and Pentecost.
As can be seen in the chart on the following page, the middle day of the creation week is day four. God set the “appointed seasons” or “appointed times” on day four. The material creation was finished on the 4th day—with the sun, moon and stars ordained for four things: 1) signs, 2) seasons, 3) days, and 4) years (Gen. 1:14-19). The 4th commandment— “Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy”—was given to man at creation. The are four accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry: Matthew, Son of David and King; Mark, The Suffering Servant; Luke, The Perfect Man; and John, The Only Begotten Son of God. The Gospels and Acts are the 4th division of The Holy Bible In Its Original Order.
As we view the chart, day four has been highlighted in the creation week. Next, in 30 AD, in the month of Nisan—the first month of the year, CHC, or April, Roman Calendar (RC)—the Passover fell on the 4th day of the week, Nisan 14. On this day, Jesus was 1) betrayed into the hands of sinners; 2) falsely accused, tried and convicted; 3) beaten and scourged beyond recognition; and 4) crucified unto death—the four major components to His sacrifice.
In Exodus 12:3, God commanded the children of Israel to select the lamb for the Passover on the 10th day of Nisan according the CHC. They were to keep it four days until the beginning of the 14th day, which began after sunset ended the 13th. Moreover, in the year of the Exodus, the Passover was also in the middle of the week—on the 4th day.
Likewise, Jesus, the Passover Lamb of God, was selected by God on the 10th day of the first month (John 12:23-33). In the chart, the actual count of the four days is indicated with small numbered circles. Again, after the Passover day, there were four more days (also indicated by numbered circles) to the Wave Sheaf Offering Day, when Jesus ascended to the throne of God to present Himself as the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. Counting the four days before and after the Passover, we have 4 + 4 = 8. Eight is the biblical number for a new beginning. Indeed, the day of Jesus’ acceptance by the Father did mark a new beginning.

The number five is the number of grace—and there are two counts of five associated with Jesus’ last Passover and crucifixion. Beginning with the 10th day (indicated on the chart as day “1” in the small square), there are exactly five days including the Passover day itself. This fulfills Hebrews 2:9, that Jesus, “by the grace of God,” tasted death for all mankind. The second count of five (indicated by numbered triangles) starts with the Passover Day and goes to the Wave Sheaf Offering Day. Indeed, it was by the grace of God that Jesus was accepted as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of man (Rom. 4:24-25; 5:1-2). Thus, we have 5 + 5 — or double grace (Zech. 4:7).
Now examine the chart of Sivan (the third month, CHC, or May, RC) and the 7th week of the count to Pentecost. Here we find a combination of several numbers. Pentecost (meaning to “count fifty”) is reckoned by counting seven complete weeks, each week ending in a Sabbath. Then, adding one day, “the day after the seventh Sabbath,” is the day of Pentecost (Lev. 23:15-16). Thus, 7 x 7 = 49 + 1 = 50. Moreover, the number 50 can also be derived as 5 x 10, or grace magnified. Pentecost was 10 days after Jesus’ final ascension—when the Holy Spirit was graciously given (Acts 2).
Because Pentecost is the day after the final Sabbath in the sevenweek count, it is an 8th day. The number eight symbolizes new beginnings. Interestingly, when Passover falls on the 4th day of the week, Pentecost is always on Sivan 8. The New Testament Church began on Pentecost, Sivan 8. Finally, the first resurrection is pictured by the day of Pentecost. It is most probable that the first resurrection will occur on Sivan 8—a new beginning for all the saints as immortal spirit beings.
Additional Numeric Patterns Relating to
The Appointed Times of the Messiah
By Dwight Blevins
It is often said that the things of God begin and conclude from the basis of the Genesis account. Beginning in Genesis, a pattern thread and timeline of linkage was set in motion—one which moves forward through the Scriptures, demonstrating that the timing of all the major events of the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ had been calculated and predetermined from the foundation of the world. This fact is boldly stated in Revelation 13:8, and verified by Jesus’ reference to “this hour” in John 12:27. The Passover day, Wednesday, day four of the week, Nisan 14, 30 AD, was that precise “hour” in history, determined long before when God positioned the “clock hands of time”—the sun, moon and stars. It was that moment in history that the countdown began, on the 4th day of creation (Gen. 1:14-19).
Without the precise calculations of the CHC, we would have no way of accurately following God’s plan and road map of the many intricate steps which outline the “appointed times” of the Messiah. Indeed, the calculated times of God’s annual Sabbaths (His “appointed times”) validate that Jesus was the Messiah, while the events of Jesus’ life in turn validate the accuracy of the calendar methods used to declare and fulfill the prophecies concerning His life, ministry, death and resurrection.
The seven-day creation account is flagged by the 4th day wherein the sun, moon and stars are ordained to set the seasons or “appointed times.” This fourth day sets up a 4-3 division of the week—4 days followed by 3. This same 4-3 symmetry is displayed by the seven annual Sabbaths. The Feast of Trumpets, the 4th annual Sabbath, is the first day of the 7th month, Tishri, CHC (the month September, RC). This Holy Day is the pivotal high day of God’s plan, and accordingly occupies the central position.
According to the calculations of the CHC, the Feast of Trumpets can only fall on four days of the week—days two, three, five or seven. It cannot fall on the other three days of the week—one, four or six. Again, we see the division of seven at the 4-3 mark.
On the one hand, it appears that Jesus was both born and resurrected on the 7th day of the week. On the other hand, His ministry both began and ended on Wednesday, the 4th day. Thus, Jesus’ ministry spanned 44 months and four days—from Wednesday, the day of Atonement, 26 AD, until the Wednesday Passover of Nisan 14, 30 AD. Moreover, just as Jesus was selected as the Lamb of God on the Sabbath, Nisan 10, 30 AD, perhaps He was baptized by John on the Sabbath, Tishri 6, 26 AD—four days before Atonement, and four days before He began His 40-day fast and confrontation with Satan in the wilderness.
If this was the case, it means that from Jesus’ baptism until the final hours of His confrontation with Satan was a span of 44 days. And, if Jesus was baptized four days before Atonement—“And lo, a voice from heaven said, ‘This is My Son, the Beloved, in Whom I have great delight” (Matt. 3:17)—this follows the same pattern of God’s voice from heaven four days before His final Passover (John 12:27). This was 44 months after His ministry began. Hence, we have a double validation of Jesus’ selection and recognition by God the Father—i.e., “glorified” twice, but separated by a period of 44 months.
The 44 days at the outset of Jesus’ ministry correspond to a similar period at the end of His ministry—the 44 days from Jesus’ crucifixion to His ascent from the Mt. of Olives on Thursday, Iyar 27, 30 AD, 10 days before Pentecost. Between these two 44-day “bookends” was His ministry spanning 44 months and four days (the 3.5 years of Jesus’ ministry translates into 44 months when you realize that two of the years were leap years, which adds one month of thirty days to each of the two years).
As noted earlier, the Wave Sheaf Offering Day began the 50-day count to Pentecost, which in Jesus’ day fell on Sivan 8 (4 + 4). Pentecost is also the 8th day—the day after the final Sabbath in the 49-day count. Thus, Pentecost is associated with 50 and 8.—Dwight Blevins
As you can see, these few numeric patterns marking out the “appointed times” of Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection—as pictured by day four, the Passover, and the Day of Pentecost—demonstrate the accuracy and marvelous structure of the “appointed times” of the Messiah with the Calculated Hebrew Calendar. Absolutely none of these numeric patterns originate in the Roman Calendar. To cover the multitude of other numeric patterns pertaining to the Calculated Hebrew Calendar and the remaining feasts of God—including their methods of calculation, varied patterns and frequencies—would require an entire book (and that book would, of necessity, also include the numeric patterns of the diatonic musical scale). All of these numerical patterns demonstrate and confirm the greatness of God in His creation of the heavens and the earth, and in His awesome purpose for mankind. Perhaps Dwight Blevins could write such a book, as he alone, as far as I know, understands these fantastic numeric patterns. One final note: Dwight is also a harp maker.—Fred R. Coulter